It all began at jantar mantar in the month of April when Anna Hazare, an old man who believes in Gandhiji's values decided to go on fast for the betterment of the people and of the country.It began in jantar mantar and today what we see is a result of his courage. Many social activists are coming up and the people of India have started to believe that we could be freed from corruption. When Annaji began his fast every person in the country irrespective of caste, creed, religion came out to support him. Although lakhs of people flew to jantar mantar to show their support to annaji, many other showed their support through digital media, forwarding texts. What happened after that is history, government came down and agreed to form a committee and it was decided that lokpal bill first draft would be out on or befor 30 June, 2011. The day the fast ended the country rejoiced with victory. Now almost after 2 months we see that the government which agreed to support the lokpall ...
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